Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Rockin' Saturday with Glitch

I had an interesting Saturday night, not my ordinarily quiet evening with the wife. No this time I was soaking up the nightlife of Baltimore, beautiful Charm City. I accompanied my brother and some of his friends to a concert at Fletcher's. There were four hard/heavy rock bands playing that night, one of them being my sister's band Glitch. This was a pretty big venue for her band and I wanted to check them out & support them.

The first band we had to suffer through before getting to see Glitch was a total joke. First off the lead vocalist (calling him a singer would be an insult to all singers, and even calling him a vocalist is kind) just sucked. The guitarists for the most part were a joke. These guys did every kind of cheesy cliche guitar playing stunt from playing behind their backs to synchronized head banging to the dropping their knees while playing deal. I can't remember laughing so hard. There weren't that many people there watching these guys so I tried to turn my head when I laughed so I didn't come off like an ass. Honestly I doubt these guys could've cared less, they were obviously having fun. One curious item about this band, they had one guitarist named Jonathan who always seemed to have a moment in their songs were he would take over the vocals. The dude just stood their straight as a board and unleashing a steady stream in a great yell that beat out anything their lead guy could belt out. We came to the conclusion that Jonathan needed to ditch these other four guys and go solo. They were obviously holding him back.

Now on to my sister's band, Glitch! Let me tell ya, Glitch ROCKED. Their performance was fantastic. They had the crowd (and I do mean crowd) moving and feeling the music. The place filled up when they started playing. I enjoyed them a great deal and I was just so proud. My little sister's performance was just flawless, I loved it. They are putting together an EP of original songs. The guy they have as their lead singer is pretty damn good, all the music is really tight. Honestly the only flaw right now I see is their name, there are just too many bands/musicians using the name Glitch. However that is easy enough to change. They will be playing at Flecthers again next month on Thursday September 8th. So on the off chance anyone is reading this from the DC/Baltimore Metro please check them out.

I've been to my fair share of concerts in my lifetime, but it's been about 6-7 years since I have been to a rock concert of any kind. As much as I enjoyed myself I really paid for that evening. It took two days for my ears to return to normal and the headache I had after that show was a record breaker. I felt like I'd been through the ringer. Driving through Baltimore in the evening when there is traffic from both a Raven's preseason game and Otakon 2005 was also a treat that I'd prefer not to repeat. But it was still a good evening. I got to see my sister play and really have great success at a major area venue and I got to meet some of brothers friends. I got to experience a bit of each of their little worlds.


Blogger CurvyDiva said...

Sadly, I was left home alone and bored!

Tue Aug 23, 01:14:00 PM EST  
Blogger droracle said...

Well I'm sure it'll be awhile before I go to another one of these things.

Tue Aug 23, 01:45:00 PM EST  

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