Sunday, January 07, 2007

First post for 2007

Where the hell have you been? Are you going to post blog any time soon? Man, I really miss reading your blog, when are you coming back. These are the questions I'd expect to receive in my e-mail or on the street... if anyone read this thing. No one really seems to care, but I'm back to write to my silent readership.

I've had a bad run with tendinitis in my left wrist, specifically DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis. It often makes typing difficult especially at the end of the day when I've worked and been holding my kid throughout the evening. I've been dealing with it for the past couple of months and gotten a routine together that makes it easier to handle. Hence my entry today in the ol' blog.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus or whatever other holiday is celebrated by different groups this time of year. My little family and I took a road trip out to Arkansas to spend the Christmas week with my wife's family. This was the first time a lot of her side of the family got a chance to meet the Little Man. We had a good time out there, I would've had an even better time if I didn't have to work through my time there, but I've only been at this gig for a few months I don't have the vacation racked up yet. No biggie, I'm just glad I have the flexibility to work remote.

On the drive to Arkansas we made a stop at a heavenly place. From outward appearances just driving buy the place would appear to be just another gas station in the Lexington, KY area. But inside their station shop was something special. The place is called Doughdaddy's, and inside you will find some of the best, freshly baked, bakery caliber doughnuts you will ever taste. Now I'll be honest, I rarely come across a doughnut that I don't like, but I have different levels of appreciation for the variety of doughnuts out there and these are among the best I've tasted. Quite a happy little discovery at was is basically the half way point of our roadtrip... of course we stopped there on the way back.

The Little Man had a great first Christmas. He enjoyed looking at all the decorations, he enjoyed tearing open presents. Watching him experience the holiday was so much fun for the Lady and I. However dealing with all the twisty ties that they use to keep these new toys in their boxes wasn't fun. When did toy companies start restraining their products in their packaging with so many twisty ties??? Was there some sort of agreement made between the twisty tie companies and toy makers to keep twisty ties in business. I guess with the advent of drawstring trash bags, twisty tie manufacturers needed to find a new market for their product and they sure found it with toy makers.

I got some great gifts, but the one gift I didn't appreciate was the vicious case of bronchitis that I picked up during the visit. Lady got it even worse and we are both still dealing with. During this past three day work week, I never set foot in the office instead working from home. Quite a pathetic figure, in pajamas and robe hunched over my laptop typing away.

I have loads more to talk about. Comic book reviews, some video game and movie reviews as well in addition to more stream of conscious stuff like this entry. However its very late, or early depending on your point of view and I'm in great need of sleep.


Blogger Gary Raymond Fry, Jr. said...

I check in on this blog every day my man. It's how I keep up with you, your lovely wife, and son. So I am reading. Keep posting!!!

Sun Jan 07, 03:14:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to have you are back. I am sure the code monkey appreciates you staying home while ill.

Mon Jan 08, 01:25:00 PM EST  

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