Carvel Ice Cream
My bro,The Code Monkey Master, had me thinking about local commercials from our childhood with his post from last night. The ones that came to mind as memorable and amusing would have to be the Carvel Ice Cream ads from the 70's and early 80's. Any kid who grew up in the Northeast-Mid Atlantic region knows about Carvel ice cream. I have a couple of the commercials posted below. Highlights include seeing how many different theme cakes Tom Carvel could get out of one mold. Fudgie the Whale's mold could be turned a different way and decorated to look like Santa Claus for instance.. oh great fun. And that Tom Carvel, truly enforcing the idea that a company's best pitchman is always the owner...
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Carvel, ice cream, Cookiepuss, Tom Carvel, 80's, 70's, commercials, Fudgie
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