Tuesday, January 16, 2007

American Idol invading my Morning News

Ah it's a January, a year begins anew. Cold winter weather is coming back and with it comes the premiere of a new season of American friggin Idol. I have never caught on with this show, I've never liked any of the "stars" that have been produced by this show...Idol winners, hosts, or otherwise. The show just makes me cringe. Unfortunately I'm a regular watcher of the Fox Morning News here in the DC Metro. I'm sure it's the same formula for the other Fox outlets around the nation, when a new ratings booster show premieres on the station the morning news becomes a total propaganda machine for the said show.

Fox 5 was already winding up with their American Idol shill machine. With numerous segments and teases Tuesday morning related to "Idol". From canned interviews with Paula Abdul to a tour of the American Idol online headquarters website. I can only guess this will be followed with another round of some local Idol competition paired with weekly recaps of the show that aired the night previous. I've come to the conclusion I can't deal with it this year. So I'm going to be testing the local morning news waters, to see where else I can get my traffic & weather together news paired with local feel good relatables. Sorry Lark, Tony, and the rest of the Fox 5 Morning News gang, this viewer is moving on to Idol free waters.


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