Friday, February 02, 2007

Big Snow No Show

No big shocker, but the snow that had everyone whipped up here in the DC Metro area pulled a major no show. Now in all fairness this wasn't forecasted to be a big snow storm, we're only talking about an inch of snow followed by frozen rain. But it was enough to whip our local newstations into full Storm coverage. Each news cast lead with the Weather guy/gal giving us the low down on this blob of moisture inching its way northward towards DC & Maryland. Winter weather advisories were set to start a 9AM yesterday morning. This was it people, two rush hours were due to impacted by this wintry mix. School Superintendents, the salt and snow plow guys and the man on the street were all interviewed to see how prepared they were for the pending wintry doom. But of course the advisories kept getting pushed back until they were cancelled all together. And the most we got was some rain last night which froze a little.

The general rule around here is, if the weather guys see a storm coming far in the future there are pretty fair odds it wouldn't be a big deal,if it doesn't fizzle out first before even hitting our area. The big storms are the ones that come out of no where and surprise everyone. That's the shoe I'm waiting to drop. Still waiting for the mid February -early March blizzard of 2007.

(edit) Right after posting this I looked out the window to see it snowing like gangbusters. Now who knows how long it will last or if it will stick... but I don't remember this being in the forecast for this morning...


Blogger Xavier Alexander said...

On the weather front, I find that the DC metro area gets disproportionately riled up about snow in particular. The now trite Don and Mike used to joke...BMT...rush to the store and get your Bread milk and toilet paper before the big storm hit. In this case their joke was not far off the mark. Snow is like a gold mine for DC weather forecasters. "BLizzard coming, that and more on the 10 o'clock news." Guaranteed audience grabber.

In analyzing it, my only theory is that DC is in a weird spot geographically...Too far south to be always prepared and unphased by snow like they are in New York and higher, and too far north not to ever panic unlike the bretheren in North carolina and further south.

If nothing else it makes for nice 1-2 hr school delays and school closings.

Wed Feb 07, 12:27:00 AM EST  

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