Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fun Online Tech

I like to share cool online apps when I find them. I'm some of you have found these and played with them, but for those who haven't behold and be amazed:

Writely is an online word processor that is pretty smooth despite still being beta. I heard about this on the TWiT podcast over the weekend. It's not bad at all, fairly snappy, and most importantly free. Also has collaborative document features, and the ability to import documents. This will be one to watch to see how it matures and how long it takes one of the of the big companies to buy it or develop something similar.

Speaking of the big companies the second cool online app for today is Microsoft's Windows Live Local powered by Virtual Earth, whatta mouthful. As much as I like Google Maps and some of the other new dynamic maps out there by Amazon and Yahoo, this one by Microsoft is providing the most entertainment for me right now. Being able to look down at my house using the bird's eye feature is just too cool.


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