Monday, November 21, 2005

Back from NYC Part 1 - Saturday

The best trips always end too soon. I definitely could have stood another couple of days in New York City. This is one of those times of year when the city is really looking it's best. Many of the major department stores had their windows done up with Christmas themes and inside the stores & some of the restaurants the decorations went beyond anything you'd see at your local neighborhood mall in the suburbs. It was really a fun time.

Saturday:We slept in a little bit after being alittle worn out from our late night and ride up to the city on Friday. We took a taxi to the Planet Kids on East 86th Street to do some shopping. For those not in the know, my wife is pregnant & we are expecting our first child late next April. It turns out we're having a boy we just found it, so we decided to take advantage of some of the unique shopping in NYC to buy a few things for our son. They had a great selection, the store looked small from the outside but the interior was three floors of baby stuff. From clothes to furniture to toys to all kinds of baby gizmos.

I love gizmos and gadgetry, having a kid is introducing me to a whole new world of little gadgets that I hadn't been aware of until now. It's been an educational experience. After getting a few items at Planet Kids we decided to try again with Serendipity 3 to have a little lunch and dessert. This time we successfully go to the place, however the 2-3 hour wait took an awful big chunk of our quality NYC time. So we passed on that and had a great lunch at a place down the street.

Next big shopping stop was Bloomingdales. I'm not going to lie, I'm a guy who enjoys shopping. I don't mind holding my wifes bags while she browses around and honestly I like helping her buy things for herself and updating my own wardrobe now and again. However shopping at the New York department stores is a totally different experience. The attention to given to customer service is great and the stores are so emmense its easy to spend almost an entire day in one store and not see it all. After Bloomingdales later that night we got over to Macy's. Both stores were decorated beautifully for the season. We took a few photos it was that nice.

After dinner at Virgils BBQ in Times Square we took a cab to Serendipity 3 for dessert. Now we didn't have reservations so we expected a wait, however after an 1:45 minutes I played the pregnancy card which cut our wait short and got us in without much more delay. We would've gotten in sooner, if a few a groups of people that the guy attending the door knew hadn't come along that night. Obviously being a friend of the employees gets you some special treatment at this place. The decadent desserts that they serve there are worth wait though...I've eaten quite a few desserts in my time, believe you me...these are some of the best.

More of our NYC trip details to come...


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