Saturday, February 17, 2007

Okay so the Snow came this time... or Punxsutawney Phil can Take a Flying Leap

Snow, ice, sleet, and rain is that what the worthless furball in PA thinks an early spring is supposed to include? Here in Gaithersburg, MD we got a decent about of all of it. Now those readers unfamiliar with winter weather such as this let me explain. Snow on its own in my opinion is easy to deal with. Its easy enough to shovel the crap out of the way, even if its a blizzard I can deal with it. But when you have a couple inches of snow that is then soaked down with sleet and frozen rain you end up with something that resembles glacial concrete. I mean this stuff is unplowable, impossible to shovel and a pain in the ass.

Last night in our neighborhood a crew came through to bust this stuff up. I welcomed them with a combination of emotions. I was happy to see these guys armed with blades, shovels and a front-end loader ready to chip our neighborhood out of this slice of late winter hell. I wasn't happy that they chose to start this work at 2AM. Since they were practically working under my boy's bedroom we had him sleeping in our bed until the crew was done.

I finally took advantage of the above freezing temperatures today and chipped away our driveway and front walk. After about an hour and half of chipping & shoveling I'm able to see concrete and asphalt again.

Most of the days I work outside of my office either at home or at my folks place while my kid is taken care of my mom. The timing of this storm was perfect because both me and the kid are suffering from a cold. With neither of us feeling well and our neighborhood looking like an icey wasteland we stayed home. The Lady had to go into work since her office had only a delayed opening. So I was left alone with the Little Man for two days. This was the first time I'd had to take care of the kid on my own, in addition to fitting in working and trying to get over a cold. It turned out to be quite doable and a lot of fun. Me and the boy get along very well, we had a good time. He plays well on his own and stuck to his nap schedule so getting in some work over the past couple days was a piece of cake. It was fun having the one on one time with him, not something I get too often. I especially got cheated out on it earlier in his first year with the hours my previous job had me working.

Overall, it was a week of inconvenience and frustration in regards to the weather and my health. But I have some good memories to show for it with the couple of days I had with my boy.


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