Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Baby Class

This Saturday Lady and I went the first part of a two part child care class offered up by Holy Cross hospital. Basically the RN teaching the class gives us all the basics we need to know in regards to caring for our babies.

I must be doing a lot more prep and reading then some of these other Dads, I felt like a lot of this stuff was just a review of what I knew already. I did learn a few new things and a review is always good. But some of the questions asked my a couple of the dads just had me floored. One guy took the cake when he actually needed the word "swaddle" defined for him. He wasn't familiar with the term evidently. How does this dude get through the Christmas season in this country without hearing the word swaddle at least once??

After the class and lunch, the Lady and I went in seperate directions. She went off to a bridal shower for a friend of ours getting married this summer and I hung out with the folks at their place. It'd been awhile since I'd dropped by and I needed to pick up the baby seat for the car.

Its getting closer and closer to the baby's arrival, its quite a mix of feelings... I'm really excited about being a Dad, no doubt. But at the same time those feelings are tempered with concern about just getting our little family through the delivery process. We've got a great doctor and Holy Cross is an excellent facility, I keep that in mind so I try to not worry too much. But there are days when its a little tough to let the facts squelch unreasoning emotion.


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