Thursday, April 19, 2007

This ain't news

As just about everyone with access to a computer, television, radio or newspaper knows by now Cho Seung-Hui sent NBC News videos and photos of himself spouting his disturbing rants & posing with this weapons before going on his killing spree. Instead of simply reporting to the public that they received this from the twisted murderous f*ck and turning over copies to the police, they proceeded to pollute the airwaves showing the video to us all, printing his manifesto for us to read. This isn't news, and its not appropriate. Now the images are blanketing news outlets all over, I can't even open my Yahoo home page without a photo of that jackhole pointing a gun at me appearing on the screen. Real great, I'm sure that's helping in the healing for all the families involved.

I mean the video and manifesto weren't vital to the story in all honesty. We didn't need to add more evidence to confirm that this monster was beyond disturbed. What benefit was there to be had from giving air to his mad rants and ravings. Did it give deeper understanding, not really. It'd already been established from what was reported that this kid, felt somewhat wronged by his peers who were of higher income brackets. However his victims, were young and old, students and faculty, of all races that don't even match his perceived enemies that made his life hell. He was basically angry at the world and his history show a track record of mental instability. What more does showing his final video and writings accomplish, what information does it give us that we didn't have or needed to know.

NBC said it showed "restraint" by showing only 6 minutes of the video in hourly intervals on their 24 hour news network, MSNBC. Their response has been something to the tune, of the decision wasn't taken lightly and they think airing the materials would help the nation in trying to understand why this occurred. What a load of crap. They saw EXCLUSIVE, a big scope literally mailed to them and they wanted to get it out there. They just had the sense and forethought to know that maybe holding back a bit on getting it out there would be good damage control from the obvious fall out for air this crap. What they failed to realize that while they may limit how often its shown on their network, once it was released, every other news network big and small, local, national and international recorded and has started showing it on their networks providing the exact continuous loop of video that NBC said they wanted to avoid. It's disappointing how often the major news networks meet the expectations I have of them by continuing to let the public down preferring to go for sensationalism, tasteless, and cheap in their quest for ratings.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And the month is only half over...

April 2007 has been a month full of tragedy and controversy. The shootings at the Virginia Tech campus, that resulted in over 30 deaths, was a horrific moment. As we come to know the names and faces of the victims, the impact of what has occurred becomes more vivid. As with any disaster, there are many who look back in time to see what could have been done to avoid this or looking for a direction to point blame. Should police responded in a different manner, were teachers' warnings about the shooters mental state not given serious enough consideration, etc. This is a time where the lives lost should be mourned respectfully. A different video game rating system or different gun laws wouldn't have done much of anything to change this situation. Pointing fingers with the benefit of the cliched 20/20 hindsight won't accomplish much and using this painful event as a opportunity for some interest groups to further their cause just seems opportunistic and wrong to me. Aside from that, like everyone else in the nation my heart goes out to all those effected by this terrible incident.

Earlier this month the airwaves and internet were clogged with news about Don Imus and his comments regarding the Rutger Womans Basketball team. As someone who is part black I didn't find the comments too terribly offensive on a racial level (don't get me wrong it was offensive, but Imus has said worse), however it seemed wholly disrespectful as a sexist insult to young women who hadn't done anything to anybody. These weren't attention grabbing celebrities or scum bag politicians making themselves targets for ridicule and insult. These were young women who despite the odds got into the final four of the NCAA tourney. What'd they do to merit an insult? Since it was an otherwise slow news week the media latched on to this throw away offbase comment, which of course whipped up Jackson and Sharpton who never miss an opportunity to get their mugs on TV. Ending up in what I consider the unfair firing of Don Imus for what only called for a month suspension at the most.

To clarify I'm not a fan of Don Imus, I don't find him entertaining and I don't understand the appeal of his show. From what I've seen of his show on MSNBC (since I couldn't tell you where it is on the radio dial here in DC) I really don't like the guy. Just seems like an old crank. BUT I am a fan of radio as whole, and I'm a strong supporter of free speech and I like radio that is edgy and tests the limits. I shudder to think if all talk radio was "safe". Yuck.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Morning funny

courtesy of The Perry Bible Fellowship

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

No longer a Newborn, but not yet a Man (Gushing Dad Alert)

The MMR kinda had a little "spring break" there for a few weeks. Sorry about the pause in entries. The Little Man had his first birthday last Tuesday, and the weekend before we had a big party for the kid. It was quite an undertaking and preparations took up quite a bit of time since it also meant my in-laws coming into to town to stay with us for a couple weeks. As the title warns, this a gush parent entry. I can't help it our little guy turned 1 last week, so I gotta blog about it. If this isn't your bag, check out the archives.

The Little Man's party was a big success. Everyone had a great time. We had a Noah's Ark theme for the party. This included an Ark cake put together from Fancy Cakes by Leslie . My Dad put together a great spread of food and snacks while the Lady's Mom painted a large backdrop based off the invitations to folks to take photos in front of. Almost everyone invited came which was really cool.

After this birthday it just seems that the Little Man knows he's not considered a newborn anymore. He's crawling around now and standing up more often on his own. I had to even lower is crib last weekend since he was being so precocious. Its so amazing to see this little kid now, who looks more like a little boy and less like a baby. Especially considering the tiny 6lbs wrinkly premature newborn he was just a year ago. I'm beginning to understand what people mean about time flying. Its sad to see we're losing our little baby, but at the same time I'm so proud of his accomplishments as he grows and I'm enjoying him more then ever now that he can really play. He throws a ball, he interacts with folks more then ever now, and he's talking more each day which is hilarious to me. I miss the little baby, but I love and enjoy the little boy that is taking his place.