It's Fiction... Not Fact... It's a story for entertainment
Holy crap, I am sick to death of hearing about Dan Brown and his Da Vinci Code book. I swear you can't get away from some kind of news about this guy or his story. The guy is getting sued for and cleared of plagarism, numerous Christian organizations Catholic and Protestant alike are denouncing the book, and numerous news magazine shows and cable specials are exploring the possiblities raised in the book regarding Mary Magdalene and Jesus' relationship. The books is still selling like hotcakes and a movie is coming out very soon so Da Vinci Code hype is reaching a fevered pitch.
But what annoys me is the way a lot of people are treating Mr. Brown's novel, like it's a textbook. Its fiction wrapped up in theories regarding Christ that have been around for decades, and honestly the story is just okay. I've read the story and found it to be patronizing and simplistic often mediocre. It was okay, not great. Definitely not worth all the energy its generated.
It just amazes me how people are using this novel as their main source of information to become an IFE in Christian history. If you want to know what an IFE is e-mail me, despite my current level of venom I still want to keep the air of this blog from going blue. I also don't find the book worthy of the attention real Christian journalist and historian are giving it. Maybe once the DVD of the movie comes out the hype will finally die down.
I'm not giving a link to the book or movie. Use Google or visit your local used book store.
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