Thursday, July 20, 2006

San Diego Comic Con 2006 - Officially Opens

Today marks the first day of the San Diego Comic-Con. This convention is the convention of the year. It's become an important place for Hollywood to introduce fans to upcoming sci-fi, horror and comic related flicks and its benefits from some of the best comic industry and retailer participation out of any of the conventions in the USA.

Now I'd love to tell you that I'm typing this from food court outside the convention floor... but alas, no. I'm typing this from my office in Gaithersburg, MD like I always do. My plan is to go to the convention next year. Not just as a fanboy, but also as a creator. After a year or so of writing I've finally come up with a script I'm happy with and I've started drawing. My whole plan is to have a serialized strip hosted online. I've taken the time to break my script up so that it will work for that format.

"Holy crap, a whole year to write this thing?" is probably what your thinking. All can say is, I've got a demanding day job and a family. Cut me some slack. Plus writing isn't something that comes that easily for me, at least for writing fiction. I've gotten better though, at least in my opinion.

Either way I'm looking forward to and planning on going out to San Diego next year. Both for the convention and to see friends I haven't had a chance to see in a really long time. Hopefully if we plan it right I can bring the whole family along with me. Though they won't want to go the show, I'm sure they could find other things to do.


Blogger arcadia said...

sometimes i wish i lived in the in south africa there's not much of a comic culture (i'm only just getting into it myself) and nothing like the convention you mention ever takes place. good luck with your strip, though - it's a much bigger job than most people realise, and doing it on top of a family and a day job is to be respected.

Fri Jul 21, 11:27:00 PM EST  
Blogger droracle said...

These conventions have continued to grow recently here in the US. Aside from the big show in San Diego, the shows in Chicago, New York and Orlando have been growing each year. Always fun.

Thanks for the "good luck" I'm going to need it :-)

Wed Jul 26, 03:17:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. O, I live in Nearby Mont. Vill. & I went to CCI. I had a great time, but TOO MANY PEOPLE! I was the 1st person in line on Wed. & gave me an exposioner's pass so I could get in earlier. I've kept a journal of my trip & be sending it out soon.

Thu Jul 27, 06:32:00 AM EST  

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