Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Thank God for Local News

Whew, I dodged a bullet this week man. Evidentally we have a bit of a heat wave going on here in the DC Metro area. Thankfully I was watching my morning news and kept an ear to my radio throughout the day so they could remind me that it was so friggin hot outside. Other useful tips to drink cold water and to stay out of the heat if I didn't need to be in it, were valuable beyond words. I would've been lost without such insightful and timely tidbits. I mean I could been wandering around out there in the heat without any clue as to how to deal with it, wondering why I was so uncomfortable and thirsty.

To those who say that the news networks have gotten away from providing an information service for the public in their pursuit of ratings, really should've watched and listened to the local news outlets this week. Anchors and weather men alike consistently reminded me it was hot outside and helped me deal with that. There were really on top of their game. And even though they probably don't read this blog, I want to extend a big thank you, THANK YOU. Maybe a reader will pass it on.

I'm going to get another glass of water, that's what WTOP suggests at least.


Blogger Xavier Alexander said...

put away the turkey, gravy will have to wait another day.

Wed Jul 19, 02:55:00 PM EST  

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