Saturday, July 15, 2006

Slingbox beta software for Mac OS X

Ah very cool news this week. Slingmedia has released a limited private beta of Slingbox software for the Mac. I've loved the idea of the Slingbox since I'd first heard of it. Being able to watch your TV and whatever DVR, VHS or DVD player hooked up to from anywhere in the world via the Internet just sounds cool to me. Even being able to access my TIVO box on the 1st floor from the 3rd floor of my house or during lunch while at work sounds like a great concept. But not having a Mac compatible interface was the big stumbling block for me. Once this Mac software is out of beta, I'll seriously consider making this purchase.

If you aren't familiar with the Slingbox, check it out. Their website can do a better job describing what it does than I can.


Blogger Chimpanzee Rage said...

pretty freakin cool

Mon Jul 17, 06:41:00 PM EST  

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