4 Month check up... and more shots
I had to take the Kid in to the doc today for his 4th month check up. We had a good morning together for the most part. Lady left early for work and would meet up with us later at the office. The two of us took a little snoozer before getting ready to go. He was a little cranky because he didn't get to finish watching his TV show...the Kid loves his television despite our efforts, so I gave into it a bit this morning. Hey I had it on PBS, he was watching educational TV...don't judge me.
Once we got to the office for our appointment, he was back to form in a great mood. After he had a quick second breakfast he was in an even better mood basically showing off and flirting with the nurses and his doctor. He was having a great morning! His weight and height were right on track, everything else going as it should.
And if the appointment ended there, he would've have gone on having a great day. Alas, that wasn't to be. No on the 4th month visit there are immunization shots to contend with. 3 of them!
After the third shot he was bawling and Lady was on the verge of tears. It was a heartbreaker. I feel bad, because there is no way to warn the kid. He doesn't understand when you tell him to get ready for a shot or to prepare for a little pain. It catches him totally off guard and is some of the worst pain he's felt in his short life. One moment he's laughing and smiling sitting in the safety of his Mom's lap and the next thing he knows a stranger is jabbing him with needles while we sit there and watch. Just a horrible scenario. But we all got through it... only to have to repeat this again in 2 months...